Melanie's books
Listen To Audio Excerpts From ANNA
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Music composed by Joseph Kirkwood and Mike Kelly -
Recorded at Mike Kelly Studio

About the author.
Melanie Powers

Born in Chicago, Illinois and growing up in Memphis, Tennessee, Melanie eventually found herself settling in Jacksonville, Florida. As one of six children and the mother of four sons and three daughters, she’s faced many challenges life has brought to her. With her husband of 38 years by her side, Melanie faced those challenges with the same strength she writes into her books’ characters. It is this strength and tenacity that equipped her for roles as a wife, mother, grandmother, and great grandmother. Working in the ministry and as a family counselor for more than twenty years, Melanie also found time to fulfill her desire to spend several weeks as a missionary to the Philippines and Ghana. This increased her love for people and gave her a profound respect for other cultures. She has been a guest speaker for women’s events in the U.S. and abroad. Melanie looks forward to realizing her lifelong dream of one day traveling to the great nation of China.
Not limiting herself to writing, Melanie is currently enrolled in college and vocal mastery courses. She delights in spending time with her ever-growing family, traveling, being in the mountains, and whitewater rafting.
When asked about her experience writing Anna, she said, “Writing this novel was a true labor of love. It has been a wonderful adventure, filled with many unexpected moments of joy and delight. I feel as if it was a gift from God and I hope you will receive it as a gift to you.”