Spring is upon us and we see new life everywhere. Well, here in North Florida spring came very early – our winter was in spurts and sputters. Now all around the globe people are preparing for Easter, the most grand announcement of new life. The bitterness of death and disappointment conquered by the wonder of pure love and faithfulness. For God so loved that He gave is the ageless story that ushered into the earth the Prince of heaven. The Heart of God Himself was wrapped in flesh and walked among us and we beheld His glory! What a measureless, boundless, unthinkable epic thought that the creator would care so greatly for fallen man that He would personally come to us. As a father’s tender affections would guide him to his injured child, so it was with God. His heart for each of us is full and overflowing with tender mercies and unchanging love. Oh how He
loves you and me.

It was not from the heart of the Creator or the Law Giver, not even the All Mighty God. No, it was from the heart of the most loving, gentle, forgiving, accepting Father that Jesus came. He was not here to redeem subjects for a kingdom or servants for a ruler; He was here to redeem sons and daughters back to the heart of the Father. We are indeed His children, born of His Spirit, joint -heirs with Jesus. Father’s heart is continually pursuing mankind, reaching out to draw in each hurt and wounded soul to a place of safety and belonging. To give each one what we all need so desperately – love and family, acceptance and healing.

The cross was the most graphic image of punishment and wrath, yet at the same time it was the birth place for redemption and welcoming to all who would receive. Out of the darkest hours the world had ever known came the symphony of life and hope. The sweet song of deliverance and love raced across time and space, casting out the horror and fear of the night. Life has conquered death, man and God reconciled. That is the song heard throughout the ages: I am reconciled to God; my sins and iniquities He remembers no more! I am not a servant nor am I a second class citizen. I am a daughter of the All Mighty God, but he prefers for me to call Him Daddy.


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